She is 12 years old and is one of Forbes influential women in Mexico (video)


Iveth Camila Ortiz Ramírez, only 12 years old, was chosen by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 most influential women in Mexico.

In Ejido Albia, about 25 minutes from Torreón, Coahuila, he helped 500  adults over 60 to register to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and transferred about 250 to the vaccination center.

It all started with their grandparents:

“I helped to register the old people and also transported them for their vaccination … the website (for the vaccination registry) was very saturated and that idea crossed my mind: help others.”

Comment to Uno TV.

Word of mouth, it was spread that little Iveth Camila was helping, and began to offer transportation, in her mother’s van, to those who could not move.

12-year-old Iveth Camila, among the most influential women in Mexico

Iveth Camila was chosen as one of the 100 most influential women in Mexico. Photo: Sandra Gómez.

Also, with her savings, she rented the speaker of the ejido to inform that no one should go without vaccination.

“Well, I am very pleased and proud. I never imagined, since I was a little girl I have known her and I know that what she wants, she proposes it to her and she does it; she is very stubborn ”.

Assures Brenda Ramírez, mother of Iveth Camila.

Doña Yolanda is one of the adults who were supported by Iveth Camila. With tears in her eyes, she does not believe everything that this girl, at her young age, did, not only for herself but for the rest of the townspeople.

Sometimes we don’t expect other people, and she put in a lot on her part. Right now, thank God we are already vaccinated. Without asking us for anything, she alone knows how it was to take us. She is good-hearted.

Said Yolanda Escobar, one of the People supported by Iveth Camila.


The Torreon Post