Installation of a floating wall in Río Bravo is a US decision, says Segob Coahuila 


The decision of the government of the state of Texas, to place a floating wall on the Rio Grande, to prevent the passage of migrants, was taken unilaterally by the North American authorities, according to what the secretary of government, Fernando de las Fuentes Hernández, said. indicated that this situation was not considered to represent a risk for those seeking to cross the border. 

He indicated that since it is an action that will be carried out in the part of the river that corresponds to the United States, it is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and not the state government, who should take some position. 

     “We do not want to comment on the issue, because I think it is a unilateral decision, it is not a matter of the country, like Mexico, or the state of Coahuila, that has been taken into account, so it is a unilateral decision of the Texas government, and of the United States, in the international waters of the Rio Grande and in the part that corresponds to them”. 

Fernando de las Fuentes added that the National Migration Institute must deal with any increase in the presence of migrants at the border, although he pointed out that the state of Coahuila will act in the event of a problem. 

     “It is a unilateral decision of the United States government, in particular the government of Texas, where they decided to do that, it is not a decision that is joint, or that we have an opinion.” 

The Coahuila government secretary assured that regardless of these measures, the migratory flow through the entity has decreased in recent weeks, which he attributed to the coordinated efforts of the authorities to detect their presence. 

     “Coahuila is a safe state, the coordination we have with the National Migration Institute allows migrants to be detected before reaching the border and allows the National Migration Institute to repatriate or send them to the south of the country. to the migrant care centers that it has in Chiapas, well, let them go there, there are flights here every week, so why go to a state where you have fewer opportunities to reach the border? Said the Government Secretary. 

 Source: Milenio