Coahuila is positioned as a top “Biker Travel Destination” in Mexico

Helmet Blessing Parras Coahuila

The city of Parras, Coahuila brings together 5 thousand motorcyclists for the 2025 Helmet Blessing.

Thanks to the security in the state, Coahuila has positioned itself as a recognized biker destination and one of the preferred destinations for road tourism in the country; this is confirmed again this weekend with the traditional 2025 Helmet Blessing in Parras de la Fuente.

From January 24 to 26, the event took place, attracting 5 thousand motorcyclists, generating 100% hotel occupancy and an estimated economic impact of 15 million pesos.

On Sunday, January 27th, at the Francisco I. Madero sports complex, a mass, and the blessing of helmets for thousands of bikers from Coahuila and other states of the Mexican Republic and the Valley of Texas took place.

With two decades of history, the Parras Helmet Blessing has managed to establish itself as the best congregation of motorcyclists in northeastern Mexico.

Source: El Diario de Coahuila

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