Xóchitl Gálvez proposes the ‘Coahuila Model’ to restore peace in Mexico


COAHUILA, MEXICO.- In a massive event on Friday, March 15th, Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, candidate of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón Por México alliance for the presidency of the Republic, reaffirmed her commitment to the security of Mexicans and Coahuila residents. In her speech before militants and sympathizers of the PRI, PAN, and PRD parties, she highlighted the importance of implementing the so-called “Coahuila Model” to restore peace and tranquility in the country.

The candidate expressed that she will support the governors with resources to strengthen security. She emphasized that this is her main priority, which is why when she is president, no police officer will earn less than 20 thousand pesos, and the funds for the police forces from which the Government Federal has withdrawn 50 million pesos, allocating them to other works.

“Our proposals have to do with security number one. There will be no issue more important to me than the safety of you, your families, your children, and the young people. No police officer is going to earn less than 20 thousand pesos. We are going to give them federal resources and we are going to recover the police funds that were removed. The Federal government stopped spending 50 billion pesos on security last year to put it into other works, those resources are going to be applied in the states to support our governor. My dear Manolo, wherever you are, we send you a hug and we are no longer going to leave you without federal resources as this government has done,” she said.

Gálvez also pledged to establish an effective and truly national National Guard, highlighting the need to combat the growth of criminal activity in other states, such as Nuevo León, which represents a risk to the security of Coahuila.

In addition to addressing the issue of security, the candidate promised to support victims of crimes and women in vulnerable situations. She criticized the refusal of President Andrés López to receive the seeking mothers of Jalisco, while she attended to the king of Spain. She proposed allocating resources to state governments to strengthen the areas of research and attention to violence against women.

“We are going to give resources to state governments to strengthen public ministries, to strengthen research areas, and to address violence against women, labeled resources so that in each municipality there are psychologists, there are social workers, and there are public ministries for women,” the candidate concluded.

Source: OEM

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