American Chamber Mexico appoints Edgar Ramón Aguirre as the new official representative in Coahuila


On Friday, February 9th, the American Chamber (AmCham) Mexico appointed the president of Government Relations of Grupo Amistad, Edgar Octavio Ramón Aguirre, as its official representative in the state of Coahuila, highlighting the important work carried out by the manager and the business group that leads the industrial development of the entity and northeastern Mexico.

The event was led by the president of AmCham, David Eaton, along with the United States Consul in Monterrey, Roger Rigaud, Grace Lingow, general director of AmCham, Roberto Bernal, director of Foreign Investment of the Government of Coahuila, and José Luis Benítez , Sales Director of Grupo Amistad.

When speaking, the president of AmCham, David Eeaton, assured that after Monterrey, there is no market in the northeast of Mexico as important as the one made up of the cities of Saltillo and Ramos Arizpe.

“Last year we celebrated 50 years as the Monterrey chapter, a goal we set in 2023 was to reach 500 members, we closed the year with 521, we aim to reach 600 in 2024, we seek to continue this growth with a strategy in which we seek participation of great businessmen like Octavio Ramón and the Amistad Group to continue growing,” said the president of AmCham.

He highlighted that according to data from the rating agency Moodies, there is an increase of 155 billion dollars in exports from Mexico to the United States as a result of the global phenomenon of nearshoring, a figure in which all companies in the region seek to take part.

“That is why we are here with the business streamlining community that is AmCham, there is no market in the northeast of Mexico as important as this great market of Ramos Arizpe and Saltillo, that is why we are honored to name the businessman as the official representative of AmCham Monterrey Chapter. Edgar Octavio,” he added.

For his part, Edgar Octavio Ramón said he was honored, on behalf of Grupo Amistad – a company with more than 45 years of national presence – to accept the position of state representative of the American Chamber, and especially for the fundamental role that Mexico and Coahuila play. with the issue of nearshoring.

“More and more foreign companies see Coahuila as the main investment destination for their new manufacturing projects. Coahuila with its infrastructure, its security and its industrial capacity has been in the sights of all these companies. The support it has received from all the industrial park developers is very decisive, but even more so from Governor Manolo Jiménez Salinas, who is determined to take Coahuila to the next level,” said the president of Grupo Amistad.