Mexico closes 2020 with 125,807 deaths from Covid-19


According to the technical report of the Ministry of Health of the federal Government, Mexico accumulates 1 million 426 thousand 094 confirmed cases of coronavirus Covid-19 , a disease that on this last day of 2020 caused the death of 125,807 people .

The report also reflects that a total of 1 million 074 thousand 795 people infected with Covid-19 have recovered.

The data explains that there are 777 deaths classified as suspicious and awaiting the laboratory result, another 11,775 suspicious deaths without a laboratory sample and a total of 5,210 with a sample but without the possibility of a result.

Similarly, another 3 million 628 thousand 951 people have been studied since the beginning of the pandemic in our country and 1 million 794 thousand 948 were negative to the test, while the number of suspected cases is 407,909 .

The report indicates that Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Nuevo León, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Sonora, Coahuila, Puebla, Tabasco and Veracruz, make up 65% of total cases nationwide, with the capital of the country being the entity that it has a greater number of cases with 23%.

Of the total confirmed cases, the Ministry of Health informs through the report that 50.42% have been diagnosed in men and 49.58% in women, with an average age of 43 years.


Mexico Daily Post